The Economy is bad, and if people aren't losing their jobs, they're getting so few hours they can't survive. Would it be nice to have our billions taxpayer dollars back from the Iraq war right now? Think it might pay some bills, reduce your mortgage, cover retirement expenses, pay for medicine, send the kid to college, pay for your expensive gasoline, ... on the other hand, the war then caused oil/gas prices to go up, up, up, and rising.
I think John McCain is the weakest in this election because his lack of knowledge on the economy is the killing point, and i don't think he understand the global economy. Also, he says in his speech that he support the Iraq war--"the war might be still last for a hundred years..." He is also what appears to be ignorant of the fact that the war in Iran is a hugh economic drain on our economy and detracts us from our quest against the terrorists. By consentraiting on Iraq we have not had the needed time and resorces to take on terrorist in other country's.
Some people might even think: thank God daily G. W. Bush will soon be leaving his throne at our beautiful white house and crawling back to Texas. From here, we can see that how Bush's decision ruin people's life and make people feel bad about him...
(Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/17/AR2008041703769_pf.html)
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